Event Calendar

Welcome to the 2016 season! KIALOA and our extended team will participate and attend the following events this season. Be sure to check locations near you and connect with the KIALOA team, dealers, sales representatives and other 'Elele!

Events marked with an asterik means that someone from the Bend Oregon KIALOA group will be there!*


2016 KIALOA Event Schedule
Event Name 2016 Event Date(s) Type Location
World League of Surfing Sunset Beach 1/17-27 SUP Oahu, HI
Canoecopia* 3/11 KAYAK Madison, WI
Wrightsville Beach Sup Surf Pro-Am 4/16-17 SUP Wrightsville, NC
Carolina Cup* 4/21 - 4/24 SUP Wrightsville, NC
Pickin' & Paddlin' Summer 2016 KAYAK Bend, OR
NW Paddle Festival TBD SUP Issaquah, WA
Battle of the Bridge TBD SUP  
Crystal Pier Outrigger Races* 5/14 OUTRIGGER San Diego, CA
Ontario SUP Series Grand River 5/14 SUP Grand River, ON
Pole Pedal Paddle* 5/21 MULTI-SPORT Bend, OR
Thursday Night SUP Series - Ontario 5/26 - 9/8 SUP Ontario, Canada
OSS MEC Paddlefest Barrie 5/28 SUP Ottawa, Canada
Monterey Bay Challenge* 5/31 OUTRIGGER Monterey, CA
Olukai Maliko Run 4/29-5/1 SUP Maui, HI
Tofino Surf Championships 5/27-29 SUP Tofino, BC
Sweet Water TBD SUP  
Liberty Challenge Outrigger Race* 6/11 OUTRIGGER NYC, NY
Icebreaker  6/11 SUP Lake Geneva, WI
Bend Padde Challenge* 6/25 SUP Bend, OR
Gorge Performance Rose City Cup 6/12 SUP Portland, OR
Big Ole SUP-Athon  7/8 SUP  Alexandria, MN
OSS Port Dalhousie 7/16 SUP St. Catharines, ON
Crystal Lake SUP Challenge 7/20 SUP Frankfort, MI
Da Hui July 4th SUP Race 7/4 SUP Oahu, HI
Molokai2Oahu   7/31 SUP Moloka'i, HI
Gorge Outrigger Races* 7/16-17 OUTRIGGER Stevenson, WA
Colonial SUP Race 8/13 SUP New Bern, NC
Eastern Canadian Championship 7/9 SUP Mississauga, ON
OSS Port Dover 7/16 SUP Port Dover, ON
HIGH Country Race TBD SUP  
OSS Kingcardine 7/23 SUP Kincardine, ON
Hawaii State Championships 8/6 OUTRIGGER Oahu, HI
OSS SindeLaunch Days Collingwood 8/6 SUP Collingwood, ON
Elk Lake Paddleboard Race 8/13 SUP Bend, OR
OSS Muskoka 8/13 SUP Muskoka, ON
Gorge Paddle Challenge  8/20 SUP Hood River, OR
OSS Championship 8/20 SUP Muskoka, ON
Great River Challenge TBD SUP Northfield, MA
MooseJaw OABI 8/13 SUP Detroit, MI
Outdoor Retailer 8/3-6 SUP Salt Lake City, UT
Paddle for the Cure 8/28 SUP Barrie, ON
Treasure Island Dragon Boat Festival* 9/1 DRAGON San Francisco, CA
Queen Lili'uokalani* 9/3 OUTRIGGER Kailua-Kona, HI
Portland Dragon Boat Festival* 9/10 DRAGON Portland, OR
Surf Expo 9/8-10 SUP Orlando, FL
Molokai Hoe* 10/15 OUTRIGGER Oahu, HI
Hulakai Race November TBD SUP  
Rocky Mountain Paddle Board Series June/Aug SUP  
Larson's (2 races) July/Aug SUP  
Deep Cove Tuesdays Night Series 5/3-9/13 SUP  Vancouver, Canada
Midwest SUP Masters Race  9/ 10-11th SUP  Lake Geneva, WI
Regional Show  TBD SUP